Explore Sustainable Tourism with ATC: Yanacocha and Chakana Reserves

August 28, 2024
Amazon Region, Culture, Tourism

As part of our commitment to supporting conservation through sustainable tourism, Andean Travel Company collaborates with Jocotours to offer immersive nature experiences. These tours not only allow your clients to explore Ecuador’s rich biodiversity but also contribute directly to the conservation efforts of Fundación Jocotoco, which protects critically endangered species and their habitats

Here you will find some of the amazing reserves your clients can visit:

Yanacocha Reserve:

Situated just an hour and a half from Quito, the Yanacocha Reserve is a sanctuary created to protect the emblematic Black-breasted Puffleg hummingbird, a species critically endangered and unique to the region. This reserve is a haven for bird enthusiasts, offering sightings of species like the Sword-billed Hummingbird and the Rainbow-bearded Thornbill. Visitors can also enjoy the tranquillity of the Café del Zamarrito, indulge in local cuisine, and explore self-guided trails that meander through the lush cloud forest.

Key Highlights:

  • Birdwatching: A prime spot to observe rare and endemic species.
  • Services: Camping zones, bird feeders, and a restaurant with pre-reserved services.
  • Accessibility: Easily reachable from Quito, making it ideal for day trips.

Chakana Reserve:

Chakana Reserve, established in 2011, is a critical habitat for the Andean Condor, Ecuador’s national bird. This reserve, located near Pintag in the Pichincha province, offers visitors the opportunity to witness these majestic birds in their nesting sites. The reserve also features extensive páramo ecosystems, home to various species such as the Spectacled Bear and the Andean Lapwing. Guided nature walks and horseback riding tours provide immersive ways to explore the reserve’s diverse landscapes.

Key Highlights:

  • Wildlife Viewing: Spot Andean Condors, Spectacled Bears, and migratory waterfowl.
  • Scenic Trails: Easy-to-moderate guided hikes through stunning landscapes.
  • Facilities: Interpretation centre, dining services with prior reservation, and excellent photography opportunities.

By choosing ATC for your clients’ sustainable travel experiences, you’re not just organising a visit to Ecuador’s breathtaking reserves—you’re directly contributing to the conservation of its unique wildlife and ecosystems. Our tours are designed for nature lovers who seek to explore Ecuador’s biodiversity while supporting local conservation efforts. 

For more information and reservations, please contact our team.

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