The Endangered Jewel of the World

The Amazon is one of  humanity’s most precious natural heritages. Likewise, an incredible amount of rare flora and fauna inhabit the rainforest. However, the Amazon is under serious threat from human activity. For this reason, it's extremely important that we do everything possible to conserve the world’s largest rainforest. Did you know? 🌺 The Amazon Basin covers [...]

Quito’s Counterpart

Cuenca is a charming colonial town located in the southern part of Ecuador.  This unique city is surrounded by majestic snow-capped mountains. This is why it is known as the ‘Athens of Ecuador'. Tourists enjoy visiting the city's center. It's many cobblestone streets, cathedrals rich in history, and colonial buildings are worth the visit! This city is [...]

The Most Unique of them All

The Galapagos penguin is endemic to the Galapagos Islands. You can find 95% of them on the islands of Fernandina and Isabela and the remaining 5% on Bartolome, Santiago, and Floreana. There are many reasons these penguins are extremely special: 🐧 They are the only penguin species that have reached the waters in the northern [...]

Small, but Incredible

Ecuador is a small country in South America. Despite its size, it withholds countless treasures: the incredible views of the Andean highlands, the picturesque colonial towns, the beautiful coast with spectacular beaches, the incredibly biodiverse Amazon, and of course, the fragile-but-unique Galapagos Islands. Wherever you go, the wildlife, nature and culture is sure to impress [...]

A Friendly “Beast”

The Galapagos Islands are undeniably biodiverse with incredible wildlife that never fails to impress us. However, as much as we love the land animals habiting the islands, we can’t ignore the exuberant marine life in the surrounding oceans. While snorkelling, you can encounter amazing and unique sea animals that are more than impressive. Some of them [...]